Services to Case Managers

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Services to Case Managers


OneCall24 Healthcare provide bespoke care packages to suit the individual needs of each client that we support.  Whether they require complex nurse managed clinical care or reablement support to access the community in which they live our teams of support workers have the skills, experience and personality to meet your clients needs. 

Our Care packages can be made up of any of the following elements:

  • Hourly Day Care
  • Hourly Waking Night Care
  • Sleeping Night Care
  • Live in care
  • Holiday enablement support
  • 2:1 Double complex care support
  • Support to attend University of college placements


Each care package will be quoted for on a no obligation basis, based on the needs of your client and the hours support per week that they require.

OneCall24 Healthcare work closely and in partnership with Case Managers, Personal Injury Solicitors, Financial Deputies and private clients and welcome referrals from any of these sources.

We have extensive experience in the support and rehabilitation of clients with:

  • Acquired or traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Complex Orthopaedic Injuries
  • Life Limiting Conditions
  • Locked in Syndrome

We recognise the importance of providing evidence-based care and how this is crucial to the litigation process which quite often is being undertaken in the background.  Our support workers are trained to look for and record the small details that quite often are the first steps in providing our clients case manager and wider Multi-Disciplinary Team with the information they need to get the right treatments in place.

Upon submitting your referral you will receive a comprehensive quote covering all the elements of the required care package so that you can be confident that there will be no hidden costs as things move forwards.

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